Saturday 30 March 2013

To a better Pakistan....Cleaner Pakistan

We talk about progress - we talk about changing the world, we talk about changing our idealogy, but in a world where we ourselves cannot take action - where would we find the strength and the unity required for change?

In a country where you cannot walk two streets without spotting some sort of mess on the side of a road - or maybe next to a dumpster... where you can be rest assured that throwing a juice box or a soda bottle out of your luxurious car won't earn you a fine - progress can only remain an illusion.

A nation's power stems from its people, and Pakistan's reality is that it is racked with filth... not the filth that is contained within the hearts of its inhabitants but the filth that surrounds us 24/7 - this is something that the people of Pakistan can take proper action on but refrain from doing so - only because it seems a trivial matter to minds that are apparently capable of bringing about a wave of much more influential change, ironically however ignoring the first thing that gives off the impression of a powerful country - it being a neat and clean abode.

People ask – what can I do alone as one man? What difference would one man make? But Rome wasn’t built in a day, an army isn’t formed in one minute and surely a nation can’t be saved in a matter of seconds. It requires the united efforts of all sectors of society – it requires the personal efforts that extend from the very confines of our own home... taking out the trash in a proper manner than in the way we do now. Maybe refrain from throwing junk out of our car windows, have garbage trucks regularly make trips to make sure the trash isn’t lying around... stop oneself from throwing everywhere around the trashcan and try throwing garbage inside it. Not only that but one can also assist in picking up the trash from the roads and streets – it’s our home, we need to take action. A little action spurs a chain reaction that reverberates through generations at times. A spark can ignite a flame – so even if you’re alone today, you’ll be leading a group of trendsetters tomorrow.

So get to it – to start toward an alternate Pakistan, a better Pakistan... a CLEANER Pakistan!
Start implementing or Jehanzeb Noor Uddin will eat you alive!

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