Sunday, 31 March 2013

Utho, Jago Pakistan !!!

Utho, Jago Pakistan 

It seems we are living in a society that is becoming more health conscious than at anytime before. Our malls and shopping centers are full of heath stores offering us an array of products that can help us achieve our ultimate health goals. We have fitness centers that advertise the benefits of having a fit body. We have TV advertisements that offer the best exercise equipment that will provide us with the best body workout in the comfort of our own homes. All these things are good and beneficial to our health and well being. This is one of the initiatives Pakistan has given to the society in order to keep this motto “UTHO JAGO PAKISTAN”  remain active. Therefore there has been an increase in the number of nutritionists, gyms , spa’s and diet shops in our country .
On the other hand, we hear that our unhealthy eating habits are creating untold health problems across all age groups. As a result, many well known companies are hearing the out cry and are offering a healthier product. Just last week Frito-Lay announces their plans to make their products all natural. 
As for many of us we strive to be as healthy as possible. We try to exercise as often as possible. We try to eat the right things and we try to get the recommended amount of sleep. All these things are good, but they are not always achievable. We are often forced to spend more time at work than we want to spend. We are for the most part a mobile society, so therefore, we find ourselves eating out more than we desire. To our dismay, we find ourselves slaves to our own busy schedule.
But there is one thing we can do that cost very little in time and money and will provide great health benefits for us and our entire family. I am referring to the simple installation of water filters in your home. As for the health benefits, I do not know of a better thing to install in the home than water filters. They remove the chlorine, the harmful minerals and contaminates that have been proven to cause many harmful diseases.
Water filters, such as countertop water filters, shower head filters, under sink water filters all of which, are manufactured by Crystal Quest are a very economical way to enjoy the health benefits of using filter water. These simple devices are easy to install and maintain and are cost effective. So its better to take small steps and make our Greenland Pakistan a more safer, and healthier place to live .

Written By:  Misha Razzaq


  1. Good Effort .
    Utho Jago Pakistan

  2. Shaista presented happily married couples in her program UGP on 30th september2013. Weird, her own married life ending abruptly.. One could see how paranoid & frustrated she was while conducting the show.
    Is the ' morning show ' affecting their own normal conjugal life? 3 are already divorced... more, yet to see!
