There is no second opinion about the worsening economic situation of
Pakistan as local and foreign economic experts have been shouting about the
government’s ruinous policies throughout its tenure. Pakistani Rupee has so much
devalued that, for the first time in history, it is less than 100th fraction of a US Dollar value.
Pakistan’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been stumbling around as low as 3
for last five years. We were once determined to say good bye to International
Monetary Fund’s (IMF) evil loan plans but now the situation is that we are
begging for loans but monetary pool has even ceased it ongoing programs, thanks
to government’s inability to do the required reforms.
is harsh but true that, repeating its history, Pakistan People’s Party’s
current tenure has also been dreadful for the country’s overall economic
condition. While it is quite known fact that PPP’s government has never been
able to improve or even sustain the Pakistan’s economy, still the question
remains, why?
But again, even a leader worth of Z.A
Bhutto could not do a single wonder for Pakistan’s economy rather his socialist
policies even curtailed the fruits of previous Ayub Khan’s era and deteriorated
country’s economic structure by implementing nationalization policy. Experts
say that some (if not many) of Pakistani industries could well have been challenging TATA, BIRLA and
Reliance of modern India, had that awful policy not executed. One can imagine the amount of price
Pakistan paid for the Bhutto’s course of action as, at that time, Pakistan’s
economy was way ahead of the then Indian wobbly economy.
Also Benazir Bhutto’s two eras were
not at all productive for Pakistan as it were marked by severe corruption and
illegal and political appointments in government institutions. We can, at least,
owe the destruction of Pakistan International Airline (PIA), Pakistan Railways,
and Pakistan Steel Mills to PPP’s periodical tenures. PPP’s reign was also shadowed by the infamous shift of Pakistan’s power
sector dependency to costly and foreign-dependent Thermal Power Plants from cheap, effective, self dependent
and more feasible Hydro Power Plants. The nation is made to pay the price to
date indebted by such a dreadful single decision. As a matter of fact BB’s husband
and currently Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari emerged as Mr. 10 percent
from that particular power scandal followed by Augusta Submarine
Following olden times, recent Asif Ali
Zardari led PPP’s rule was one of its own kind in terms of corruption, plunder
and wickedness. Current rule is marked with sleaziness immorality and fraud.
This rule has trailed the same track of political appointments in already
deteriorating public sector institutions and neglecting any major reforms in
any single department. One can name a list of economic threats imposed today only because of
PPP’s flawed policies starting from energy sector destruction, inflation,
foreign reserve liquefaction, lack of investor’s trust, ever increasing
domestic and foreign loans, devaluing currency terrorism and many more.
So there is somewhere something
problematic within very PPP itself as none of its tenures was prolific for
Pakistan. For an instance, if we even side line Zardari, Z.A Bhutto and BB were
not at all themselves incapable yet they were unable to deliver. So, all I
concluded was that PPP always lacked a full time economic expert team which could guide it
in right direction. The menace with two late Bhuttos was that they fancied
themselves as the “Great Economists”, however, all both of them delivered was
nothing but misery to people. Well,
if his great politician wife and even greater politician father in law made
same mistake, how could Asif Ali Zardari not repeat it as he also did not went
along a single economic team by continuously changing finance ministers. If the
actions were same how you could expect different results…!
Author : Aali Ahmad
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