Sunday, 31 March 2013

Economy And Education Of Pakistan

Our nation has been engulfed by problems wide-ranging and far-reaching for a very long time now. We tend to talk about them. Sit together in TV shows and make meaningless conversation or gather around on political rallies and make an even greater show of unproductive efforts. The problems on the other hand have been consistently proportional with our indifference, apathy and a general sense of irresponsibility. We play the blame games as part of our everyday routines. Each one of us finds it imperative to curse the government, political leaders, bureaucracy and well in short everybody else apart from us and our families. Sometimes even our own families. What each of us however on the other hand fails to realize is that the damage is done and we are far beyond the stage of crying over spilt milk. We are blinded of any sort of perspective. Blinded of the fact that it is step up time. Time to do something more productive, more meaningful.
This country and this nation need some real change to sprout up now. The need of the hour is to start eradicating at the basics rather than stitching up on a temporary basis. A country stands tall if it has strong international relations, a well built human resource and a glorious past. Most of all however, you need a strong economy. And yes, take the bitter pill here. We don’t even have anything close to a strong economy. Pakistan needs to work desperately on its financial position if it needs to come back in the game. We are heavily dependent on aid and grants by international agencies and global giants and their strings are crippling us. This country needs to work on its ability rather than run behind something which never was our strength. I believe that our God gifted capacity in agriculture and natural resources is what we should have built on in the first place. We need to train our farmers, make the agricultural sector more automated, more modernized. There needs to be a general awareness program in order to make the farmer realize his and his lands full potential. We read each day about the importance of pesticides, fertilizers, green reforms and other general awareness programs however it’s easy for us to dismiss them. Once in the field, however, they can do wonders.
If Pakistan can build onto its agricultural potential, it is not just going to make the country self sufficient and avoid our import expense but also bring in export revenue. We have been bestowed with the unique potential to cultivate a multitude of crops. What we just need to do is make our people more aware of where their strength lies. The people in the parliaments need to help the people in the fields.
On the other hand however it’s also important that we move hand in hand with the world so that our self sufficiency persists not just in agriculture but also spreads gradually to the industrial market. It may sound too much of a cliché stating the importance of education and how it can play a crucial role in helping us find a solution to our problems but that is the foremost long term solution that we need to work on. A well educated nation will not just bring about with itself more employment and greater inflows of revenue but will also help channel resources to the right direction. It will bring about a positive attitude towards work and life in general and help the country in garnering a positive image in the global community.
Thus improvement in economy and education will help us in striking that missing balance. The two E’s will help us attain the two P’s. Peace and prosperity.   

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