Sunday, 31 March 2013

Windows blue by Muhammad Umer

The long awaited windows blue which is the next update of the
 windows 8 was leaked on internet. Windows blue has introduced
 some very significant changes and improvements to the already
 released windows 8 which would make this window much more
 fun and easier to operate.
The main features of the windows blue include new sizes for icon
 tiles,50:50 snap option ,improvement in the setting panel and
 features like share charm. Windows blue has introduced the 2
 new sizes for the icon tiles in addition to the previous sizes in
 windows 8. Now the users can have teeny tiny icons sized tiles
 similar to the ones that are present in the windows phone8 and the
 giant sized tiles which are almost the double of the previous
 largest tile. The users can now fine tune the color of desktop
 background with many different shades of the same color. There
 is a variety of choices between the colors and the user can select
 the color of the background and then select the shade of the same

Use of 'Technology' as solution for energy crisis.

Well everybody knows that Pakistan is passing through a critical situation due to energy crisis; this is not only portraying a negative effect on the economy of the Pakistan but it’s ruining the country’s image worldwide. So, due to energy crisis both the agriculture and industry sector are collapsing so badly. As we all know that Pakistan is a developing country and naturally it’s enrich with the fertile soil, this country could produce enough to stable the country’s economy as well as GDP growth but there should be proper policies and upgraded technology.

As we all know that Pakistan is a developing country so more work is carried out in the agriculture sector, but this primary and most important sector of the country is still affected by the energy crises, the past government did not come with any new technology to promote this sector. The most important energy technology which could help this sector is solar energy. The basic need for agriculture is a tube well for irrigation, farmers those who usually use tube well for irrigation purpose they had an electricity problem we can avoid such problems by fixing solar energy panels to tube well for the effective and efficient production.

We all know that there are large numbers of mills are located in this country for example steel mills, rice mill, sugar mills and so many other, let’s talk about sugar mills, their waste (Bagasse) is one the cheaper renewable fuel to generate electricity so each and every mill owner should fix their own plant to generate the electricity for their own sugar plant. The government of Pakistan should take another step to attract the sugary industry owners to setup co-generation Bagasse/Biomass technology based power plants. Not only sugar mills but also rice husking mill, food processing center, livestock farm or from where ever we are getting the bio-waste. Government should start inventing, importing or introducing such technology to the country and ask mill owners/ bio-waste producer to install such machinery to adopt new techniques of producing electricity.

Energy crises are increasing day by day, annually large percentage of MW is increasing but the past government has failed to meet up the expected requirement.  PPP and PML-N policies regarding electricity production were not good enough those could help us out us from such crises, so we need a serious government about solving these energy crises and that is PTI. Their policies regarding energy crises are typical but we had a hope from them that they would do something for this country. Hydel energy, installing wind turbines in Sindh and Balochistan region which would help us in producing large number of electricity, gas pipelines (between Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and India), the most important is Thar coal project which would give definite extensive electricity with an effective cost and the China’s nuclear project. These are the main sources from where Pakistan can earn the large number of MW and such policies are PTI’s main priority.

Economy And Education Of Pakistan

Our nation has been engulfed by problems wide-ranging and far-reaching for a very long time now. We tend to talk about them. Sit together in TV shows and make meaningless conversation or gather around on political rallies and make an even greater show of unproductive efforts. The problems on the other hand have been consistently proportional with our indifference, apathy and a general sense of irresponsibility. We play the blame games as part of our everyday routines. Each one of us finds it imperative to curse the government, political leaders, bureaucracy and well in short everybody else apart from us and our families. Sometimes even our own families. What each of us however on the other hand fails to realize is that the damage is done and we are far beyond the stage of crying over spilt milk. We are blinded of any sort of perspective. Blinded of the fact that it is step up time. Time to do something more productive, more meaningful.
This country and this nation need some real change to sprout up now. The need of the hour is to start eradicating at the basics rather than stitching up on a temporary basis. A country stands tall if it has strong international relations, a well built human resource and a glorious past. Most of all however, you need a strong economy. And yes, take the bitter pill here. We don’t even have anything close to a strong economy. Pakistan needs to work desperately on its financial position if it needs to come back in the game. We are heavily dependent on aid and grants by international agencies and global giants and their strings are crippling us. This country needs to work on its ability rather than run behind something which never was our strength. I believe that our God gifted capacity in agriculture and natural resources is what we should have built on in the first place. We need to train our farmers, make the agricultural sector more automated, more modernized. There needs to be a general awareness program in order to make the farmer realize his and his lands full potential. We read each day about the importance of pesticides, fertilizers, green reforms and other general awareness programs however it’s easy for us to dismiss them. Once in the field, however, they can do wonders.
If Pakistan can build onto its agricultural potential, it is not just going to make the country self sufficient and avoid our import expense but also bring in export revenue. We have been bestowed with the unique potential to cultivate a multitude of crops. What we just need to do is make our people more aware of where their strength lies. The people in the parliaments need to help the people in the fields.
On the other hand however it’s also important that we move hand in hand with the world so that our self sufficiency persists not just in agriculture but also spreads gradually to the industrial market. It may sound too much of a cliché stating the importance of education and how it can play a crucial role in helping us find a solution to our problems but that is the foremost long term solution that we need to work on. A well educated nation will not just bring about with itself more employment and greater inflows of revenue but will also help channel resources to the right direction. It will bring about a positive attitude towards work and life in general and help the country in garnering a positive image in the global community.
Thus improvement in economy and education will help us in striking that missing balance. The two E’s will help us attain the two P’s. Peace and prosperity.   

Promoting Pakistan By Syed Morrowat Ali Shamsi

According to the trends globally, countries are promoting themselves on the social media and you all might be quiet aware of this thing as we see a lot of promos meant to enhance the image of various countries such as ‘Malaysia truly Asia’ and many more. What does this type of advertisements do? They attract tourists which in itself are a good way to generate revenue and boost the national income of the country; a lot of countries rely on tourism and earn a lot through it such as Mexico, Brazil, Thailand and lot more, secondly it also helps to enhance the image of the country.
So why not brand Pakistan? We can highlight varies tourists spots as our country is blessed with so many of them such as our country is home for various mountain peaks especially K-2 this can help us to attract climbers in Pakistan. Secondly, Annual off road rally is held at Cholistan and we can promote it, moreover our government should also try to invest into this event as the amount they invest won’t go in vain, it shall help them in the long run. Furthermore, our country is blessed for with four seasons and our country is homeland for people who belong to varies some of cultures we can highlight them globally. Hence there are a lot more reasons for tourists to visit Pakistan, summing them all up Badshashi Masjid, Shalimar Gardens, Swat, Gilgit, Tomb of Jahangir, Lake Saiful Muluk, Harrapa, Moenja-daro, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. If we go on emphasizing on each one of them it would take years to explain the unique beauty of these spots, so the point is to attract tourism.
If we are going to promote Pakistan on social media we also need to come up with an interesting tagline for it; in order to differentiate our country from others, I have come up with an tagline ‘Pakistan – between the wonders of God’. This type of promotion is required by our country in these sorts of conditions and we as being natives of this country should be working towards it and acknowledge what is bestowed upon us. I AM PROUD TO BE A PAKISTANI. ARE YOU?
Author: Syed Morrowat Ali Shamsi

Changing Lines

Changing Lines

It is said that there is a common belief among anthropologists that you must immerse yourself in an unfamiliar world in order to truly understand your own. It was many years ago while I was a still in high school that I first came across these words. For some reason, I found it not only absurd but also very conflicting that in order to understand one’s own world why must one immerse himself into someone else’s.  It was the contradiction to the most common beliefs in these words that kept me intrigued for a very long time. I was taught that if we do not stay true to our values and culture we will eventually lose our identity ending up confused about who we truly however, on this occasion for once someone is suggesting the opposite.
It was not until a few years ago that I had a chance to travel through Europe and North America for the first time and had a chance to interact with other cultures. After spending a while there I could not help myself seeing my own reflection in everything there was to see. For once it made some sense to the statement that had been stuck to my mind for long time. Everything that I was not familiar with was a reflection telling me something about myself, good or bad but there was clearly a message in everything. On the other hand, all those things that I had been taking for granted all my life became the most essential parts of my identity.
This was the unfamiliar world that anthropologists had referred to. What they actually meant by this was that when you compare your world to another is when you clearly understand how better or worse yours is than others. The Pakistani culture is no doubt diverse and rich unlike most of Europe. Everything about Pakistan is unique the history, the cuisine, music, dresses etc. One can only appreciate his own self if he sees if from someone else’s eyes.
Having said so, there are also many harsh realities that dawned upon me during this journey of self actualization. The most appalling is the existence of another culture which lies parallel to our ideal culture. Ideally our culture is based on diversity, tolerance, honesty and the celebration of individuality. However, all these characteristics are a rare commodity in today’s Pakistan. The actual culture is what is actually going on. The very principles of Islam upon which the foundation of this country was laid are now being practiced somewhere else but not in Pakistan. Our society today is confused between two extremes; those who claim to be so called liberals where as they are merely residual spin off to the western civilization and those religious one who are there simply to balance out the one extreme with another. The story of Pakistan was always meant to a beautiful one but it is told in tragic way. The problem is that we never changed in all those years. We never immersed into another world.
Pakistan is not the country that it was when I was growing up in 90s and definitely that it once was in 60s or 70s. Everything has changed now, the population, the life style, culture and media. Pakistan is no more a predominantly agricultural country. Our cities are growing faster than ever before. The only thing that has not changed is us, the people or I would rather say we never tried to change. History is evident that whenever nations accepted the realities of this changing world and adapted them without leaving their local realities, they evolved into something much greater.  
Whether the times are good or not we have to keep changing. Whenever we had good times we never tried to preserve it and when we had bad times we simply accepted it as our fate and missed the good old days. I thinks its time we ask ourselves, are we ready to immerse into another world?

written by:
Mishal Fatima

A new vision

Pakistan is facing a terrible time due to poor economy and lack of education. If these two things would get better, a lot of problems can be eradicated.
If people of Pakistan would be educated, the law and order situation can get better. People would start knowing how to abide by the laws to become a civilized nation. Education teaches you the way to live a sophisticated and cultured life. Our nation does not know how to make a queue and wait for our turn. The latest example of unethical behaviour is at the time when the Metro Bus was providing free of cost services. People start fighting for their turn; women were pulling each other’s hair and destroying the new buses as well. So this is all due to lack of education. Our public has never gone to school to get social awareness.
If they would be given proper education, it would broaden their thinking and automatically they would know the voting system of Pakistan. Half of the populations, who vote for a new government, do for the sake of fun. They don’t know the consequences of choosing a wrong party. So they need proper guidelines.
In Pakistan a lot of parents send their children to Madrasas to give them education, without knowing that, are they gaining something from this or only ruining their lives. More than half of the Madrasas are giving wrong education which is resulting in terrorism. If these parents would have acquired education in their childhood, they would have definitely monitored their children properly. Hence, the lack of education is ruining many generations.

There are a lot of hurdles in women education in Pakistan. Through educating women, Pakistan can achieve social and human development. They can improve the economy by setting up businesses, helping their husbands and so on. Not only the economy is affected but also bringing up the children is equally important. If the mother would be educated, she will teach her children, who will result in better future of the country as well as the child himself.
This is also resulting in weak economy. The literacy rate is so low that economy is not increasing with a proper rate. The people in rural areas are still busy in their farms with old methods, resulting in slow production. They are not educated with the fast world, new technologies etc.
 Due to the corrupt government people are facing a lot of problems to set up the businesses in Pakistan. The skilled and productive people are moving abroad to set up their businesses. The energy crackdowns are forcing them to move some were else.
This is all related with education. If people would be educated, they would automatically vote for deserving government, which will create good law and order situation, minimize the corruption, less terrorism etc resulting in betterment of the economy.


Pakistan Through My Eyes

Pakistan Through My Eyes

(satpara lake- Skardu Pakistan)

A lot is said about Pakistan in the international media these days. Analysts talk about how Pakistan is a  terrorist or a rogue state. They fear that with the rising extremism in Pakistan coupled with her nuclear arms the country poses a serious threat to the safety of the world. The world however I believe has forgotten that Pakistan is a nation of 20 billion people and not all of whom are terrorists. This essay does not counter the arguments presented on all the things wrong about Pakistan, but is a small effort to highlight a few good things about Pakistan.
Pakistan is a very diverse nation. There are about 100 different languages spoken in Pakistan with many different cultures throughout each of our provinces. The food the clothing the lifestyle of the people of Pakistan varies significantly throughout the country. The diversity of this nation is not only restricted to its people. Pakistan has 4 seasons making its suitable for many types of tourism, her beautiful lush green valleys in the spring, her 814 Km long coastline in the summers and her majestic ski slopes in the winter are a mecca for local tourists and there is no reason why they cannot be the same for international tourists. There are few countries in the world with so much diversity in its temperatures, but in Pakistan one can find temperatures from 50 centigrade to -50 centigrade. The natural beauty of Pakistan’s mountains, desserts and coast are second to none. Of the 14 eight thousanders i.e. peaks greater than 8000m, 5 are in Pakistan including K-2 the second highest peak in the world.
Like all nations Pakistan too has produced some exceptional individuals but the media never focuses on them. Dr. Abdul Salam the first and only Pakistani to win a Noble prize for his work in electroweak interaction which is the unified description of strong force and weak force which are 2 of the 4 fundamental interactions in nature. He was a brilliant scientist respected across the globe and was a proud Pakistani. Abdul Sattar Edhi perhaps the greatest philanthropist and humanitarian of our time to this day, the Edhi Foundation continues to grow it is the largest welfare organization in Pakistan. The Edhi Foundation has rescued over 20,000 abandoned infants. It also runs over three hundred and thirty welfare centers in rural and urban Pakistan which operate as food kitchens, rehabilitation homes, shelters for abandoned women and children and clinics for the mentally handicapped.Edhi himself is a very modest man who lives in a small two bedroom apartment in Karachi Edhi is someone that all human beings no matter what their nationality or religion can be proud of as he selflessly serves humanity. Arfa Karim a Pakistani student in 2004 became the youngest Microsoft certified professional at the age of nine. She was invited by Bill Gates himself to visit the headquarters of Microsoft. She was such an asset that when she was suffering from cardiac failure in 2012 Bill Gates personally told her doctor to take all necessary measures, this shows how much of an asset she was unfortunately she is no longer with us.
Pakistan has abundant natural resources. The province of Balochistan is very rich in minerals and fossil fuels. There are reserves of natural gas and oil. The north has proven reserves of precious gems such as rubies and emeralds. The Balochistan plateau has proven reserves of gold and copper. The world has its eyes set on Gwadar due to its deep and warm water ports which have the capacity to serve central Asia China and Russia. If we could focus more on these perhaps one day Pakistan will be an investor’s paradise instead of being a terrorist paradise.
Now with this article I do not suggest that there are no problems in Pakistan but we are trying to solve those problems and if only the world knew what Pakistan and Pakistanis are worth than perhaps everyone will do their effort to solve the problems of Pakistan. We want the people of our country to finsih the negativity about our country and after that we will create the awareness internationally. We are the nation of the fastest century, we are a nation of passion. I do not ask you to consider us as the best nation in the world, but I ask you to see us in a way we deserve. With respect and honour.

By Rafil Zulqarnain
Section J
Lahore School of Economics

Islam and Terrorism

Terrorism is one of the burning issues of our age. Terrorism has destroyed the world-peace. Every day, a large number of people are caught and killed because of terrorism. All countries of the world are trying to up-root terrorism but it is increasing day by day.
   Who is the real terrorist? All over the world, the Muslims are blamed as terrorist and extremists. Is it true? Not at all.The facts are otherwise.
  It is agreed on all hands that Islam means peace and submission to Allah and Holly prophet (PBUH). Islam is not involved in any kind of bloodshed, violence and terrorism. It is interesting to note that there is no consensus about the true concept of terrorism.
   Terrorism means "The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons." And extremism means "Ideas or actions which are not normal, responsible or acceptance to most people"
  According to the definition, the Muslims cannot be called terrorist or extremists, because a Muslim cannot be a terrorist and a terrorist cannot be a Muslim. The Holy prophet said, "He is not one of us who does not show tenderness to his younger's and respect to his elders."
  Today only the Muslims are the target of the worst type of terrorism. Muslims are condemned and crushed by media terrorism, economic terrorism and by state terrorism all over the world. There is a law in the world that when any country tries to oppress other country or a group tries to dominate others by violence, there should be a resistance against the oppressors and the terror-stricken should be helped. But no one has paid heed to this law. The Kashmir's are struggling for freedom against Indian oppressors, but all the world is ignoring this issue. In Palestine every day the target killing of the Muslims is common phenomena. The UN says that "the masses should be given basic right and they should not be deprived of human right and liberties". Everyone should have the right of self defense. No one mentions the terroristic activities of Hindus in Sri-Lanka, Christians in the whole world and Jews in Palestine. The image of Islam in west has been tarnished. There has been a stream of books with the titles such as, "The dagger of Islam", "The militant Islam", "The rage of Islam". Television has been showing multi-part series entitled "Terror in the name of Allah", which depicts the western mentality about Islam.
  The UN has become the puppet in the hand of the United States, they are trying to condemn and crush all those who are the enemies of their interest. They are obscuring the definition of terrorism. When UN has failed to differentiate between terrorism and freedom struggle. It is no longer a war against terrorism ,it is a war between barbarism of west and the eastern civilization. The Christianity is restricted to church and they also want Islam to be confined to the mosques.
   The Islamic civilization has given the world real civilization. Today uncultured and uncivilized people are trying to teach us morality and manners. Our history is replete with the examples of tolerance, forbearance and humanity. There are 1.3 billion Muslims in the world. Every fifth man walking on the globe is a Muslim. The future of mankind cannot be peaceful until the west and Islam try to co-exist peacefully. And they can only co-exist if both let the other live according to their beliefs, cultures, traditions, laws and social norms. If both can only then can there be peace and co-existence between two.
Economics imbalance is one of the factors which is creating an acute sense of deprivation among the masses. I this age there is gap or gulf between the rich and the poor, and this factor is creating hatred and violence against each other and causing terrorism.  Electronic media and print media are causing economic and sexual starvation. Most of the governments are under the control of other countries, people of the country want something and they are provided with something other. This factor produces a sense of insecurity and people rise against it which causes a violence and terrorism.
  The enemies of Islam should know that Jihad is not a kind of terrorism. Jihad means to make  utmost struggle or to strive very hard but they are ignorant of the nature and influence of Jihad. Jihad is relentless war against aggression, oppression, poverty ignorance and all social evils and without the country . It is a holy war against all social evils, a freedom moment of the poor, the destitute and the down trodden. Islam did not spread because of war but inspire war.
The irony of the fate is that those who violated the rights of Asian and African countries for their own benefits and for the resources of oil and gas of Muslim countries are clamoring to fight against terrorism. What they have done in Vietnam, Afghanistan an in Iraq.
 All I can say is
                    "Those who live in glass houses don't throw stone on others."

Written By;- Asfand Naveed

Me In My Opinion..

I am Ahmed Tariq and I am currently suffering from a 2nd year syndrome known as major in marketing from Lahore School of economics. The reasons for this condition is a insect know as GPA.
Jim Morrison once said "the most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are". These words of wisdom have really helped me in life. I have come across many challenges physically and emotionally and i have learned that being my goofy self eventually makes it all better. My biggest weapon has always been the power of smile. I have always been passionate about what i do and expressed what i felt. I believe that having an optimistic attitude in life gives positive result. Its not the problem that is the problem, its the attitude one has towards the problem :)
What I love to do is travel and get exposure to different cultures in Pakistan. I have been to many northern areas and I admire the geography of those places. 

Written By;- Ahmed Tariq

Bringing Positive Change in Pakistan

Bringing Positive Change in Pakistan
By Bisman Shaukat

I was thinking, that how we can change Pakistan in a positive way??? What can the youth do for making Pakistan a safe homeland where equality can rule and injustice can be eradicate??? I am such a person who always wants to contribute in society in a positive way. I want to change so many things; but I couldn’t find any platform for that. I always wish that someday I could do anything for the people that want our help. I am not the only one who think in this way but I am sure that half of the youth want to do something which could bring change in our country and we have experience the passion of our youth in the time of earthquake and it is the best example of unity and patriotism for the country and its people.
Youth can bring change in the society if they were allowed to do something, but from where we should get started. Is there any platform for the youth to just get together for any cause and the answer is no. Unfortunately in Pakistan no such organization has been formed for the youth which could motivate our future generation in such positive way that can bring change in our society. There is no concept of services rendered by our youth because such activities are not being supported or praised. Most of the people are thinking that what we can do, but if want a change in the society so we have to come out and start working on any cause together without any discrimination.
In my point of view our youth doesn’t lacks in ideas of changing our society but proper guidance is not being provided to us. We should start bringing change from our home and housing society, there should be a volunteer student committee in every housing society, school, colleges and university of Pakistan and they should be supported by their elders for the services they provide for bringing a change. What the youth can do we could make a contributing in spreading education in rural areas; we could do something for children engaged in child labor. There are so many ways through which we could bring change in society and only in this way Pakistan will be survived.
Youth ministry is there in Pakistan but without planning, even so many youth do not even aware of what actually youth ministry is. They can engage youth in every project so that we should be aware of our capabilities and achievement.
Pakistan media is booming and ruling on every person educating about every aspect of life but they are doing nothing for youth. They could provide such platform in which they can hire the services of youth in highlighting and solving different problems of society and the result will definitely be good. Through this we could also control the rising violence among youngsters because of no work if the youth of Pakistan will be engaged in productive work so, it will bring change also and our society will be saved from further destruction.

Alternate Pakistan

Current prevailing situation in our beloved country is a matter of concern for all of us, political unrest, energy crises, declining foreign exchange reserves, out flow of investments and above all, alarming increase in violence are posing a real threat to economic and social stability in Pakistan. Our problems are deep rooted and require a lot of struggle and hardship to overcome.
Pakistan has so much potential and resources but due to corruption, less awareness, illiteracy we cannot develop. Pakistan may become a developed country if several things happen. The government becomes less corrupt, and the money the USA gives to Pakistan should be used for good causes, such as water treatment, improving literacy, fixing the electricity, etc. Second, the people of Pakistan should be willing to change, and they should work hard for it. They should become more accepting of others, as well as their religions (whether they are Sunni Muslims, Shia Muslims, or even atheist). Third, the youth should take charge and become the future non-corrupt politicians, doctors, teachers, engineers, scientists, etc. Third, Pakistan should enter the market, and be known for something distinct that the whole world uses. Look at South Korea, only 58 years have passed since the Korean War has ended, and they have become such a modern, hard-working country. Each day countries like Korea, Germany are becoming self-sufficient. They have good plan and brilliant universities which is closely working with industries. For instance, In Germany, their students are the one developing satellites. We should provide our students great opportunities so they can participate as much as they want.
If we use our own resources properly we can overcome our energy crisis. Our country that faces a severe energy crisis has the potential to generate power supply for the next 100 years by utilizing its own coal reserves. This coal utilization can save four billion dollars by reducing oil import costs.
It is really worrying to think that the financial success of the government in our country is on the basis of financial arrangements rather than economic management.
Our governments feel happy to appoint IMF, World Bank or investment banking professionals as economic chiefs of the country. They either simply ignore the important economists for these positions, or they are just interested in short term fiscal management.
It is high time that our focus on economic planning and budgets to shifted towards clear cut economic goals for developing an industrial base in the country.
We need to come up with policies that ensure a culture of entrepreneurship in the country. Income support programs cannot serve the objective of economic freedom. It is actually the facilitation of doing business and converting ideas into returns that can change the economic outlook of Pakistan.

Written By :- Ahmed Tariq

Personality Branding (Imran khan)

Imran khan started his career as a cricketer, and was soon famous because of his championship in cricket. In every career he has pursued up till now it has been in the benefit for the country and shows his devotion and love for Pakistan. His biggest success was when in 1992 in his captaincy Pakistan won the world cup, his immense hard work efforts and leadership quality reflected in the victory of Pakistan. That was sure one of the biggest achievement and that lead a positive image in the hearts and minds of Pakistani’s world over.

Taking the same approach and a positive image in the people’s mind Imran khan started a political group named Tehreek-e-Insaf. He marketed his group and himself through the motto of  tabdilikanishan´ and through his effective and strategic management he targeted the most wanted and untapped sector of Pakistan with the approach of  Justice and Equality´.

Justice and equality is the most important factor to be used for any country to flourish. It is the biggest strength of every single developed country and Imran khan promised to bring a change and justice to every single citizen of Pakistan. In such a justice deprived economy he took the right approach to market himself and his group, which will be accepted and appreciated by people as this was one of the utmost desire and need of the Pakistani economy. His contributions made in the economy are also a big factor in his positive marketing and personality branding. Founding and establishing the biggest cancer hospital in Pakistan and treating poor people for free has immensely solved the problems of the poor people and has provided justice to them as the rich would get treatment and can afford to be treated so can be the poor. This approach taken by him has boosted up his brand image as he is showing consistency in his promises and people see him as a faithful person who is ready to donate his money to the needy for justice. This has helped him to gain trust as a brand does by providing what they have promised and staying consistent over time, this ensures customer loyalty, in the same case by doing such things people of Pakistan will be loyal to him and want him to be the next president of Pakistan. Unlike other politicians who show inconsistency and keep changing their promises, consistency has played a major role for Imran khan’s success.

Another change he is brought for the poor is the namal university chartered by Bradford university u.k., this has been an excellent effort, to give education to the people who cannot afford it, again enforcing the concept of equality and giving the poor high class education level which they can afford otherwise. All these factors have made Imran khan a superb personality and has created a high level of image of his personality like a brand has because of effective marketing strategies and trustful consistent commitments and mass loyalty.
Written by : mian sohaib ali
 email address:

Mission to be accomplish

Economy and education of Pakistan :
I belong to a nation that has been declared a failed state numerous times and has been predicted to not exist by 2015 by Washington. A country that grapples with overpopulation, poverty and energy crisis one at the same time, that’s the country I proudly belong to- Pakistan. Because history has witnessed, that revolutions occur only when a nation comprehends its problems and is ready to resolve them. However, while we count the many problems that stigmatize Pakistan, we fail to appreciate the various blessings we, as a nation, are bestowed with. Surrounded by warm waters, we are located at an ideal strategic geographic region for trade and travel. We also have not only the 6th largest army in the whole world, but one of the strongest armies. We are amongst the 8 states that have declared nuclear weapons. We have vast mineral resources that yet remain to be tapped. We fail to recognize, that however poor our democracy is, it is far better than the many countries where people are still fighting for basic rights, namely Arab Spring. Our judicial institutions may not be the best in the world, but the lawyers’ movement has shown that we are a nation who believes in rule of law. 2005 earthquake demonstrated to the world, that however ethnically divided we may be, when a calamity befalls us, we are ready to give up everything for our fellow brothers. The bomb blasts have failed to erode our altruistic nature.
Education system in Pakistan

We also forget that we are a blessed nation that has 60% of people in the age of 16-25. According to World Economic Forum’s report, having a majority of youth is one of the biggest assets a country could have and Pakistan is amongst the few blessed nations. This is a golden opportunity for Pakistan, as for the next 10 years, the majority of our population will comprise of youth. Pakistan could witness a radical positive change if we, the youth of Pakistan commits to bringing about a change. We must not submit to the definition of Pakistan that highlights only how bad its conditions are, but the vast opportunities that are still available to us, and aim to revive Pakistan, as Jinnah had envisioned it

 However, if the asset of youth is not directed to be productive, it could turn into a big liability for the country. Educated youth can not only add phenomenally to the GDP, but could potentially reduce inequality as well. However, both these policies need to be implemented with great caution.Pakistan has primarily focused on buttressing higher education. Higher education Commission (HEC) has been established to facilitate students in pursuance of masters and Ph.D. programs. However, in my view, Pakistan needs to follow the example of East Asian economies, which have been successful in producing a productive labor force through focusing on primary education. They followed focused policies targeted at improving the human capital. This approach not only helped in raising the literacy levels, improving the economic performance of the country but also reduced inequality. However, in order to accomplish that they ensured that the return on education was not hampered by the excess supply of educated labor force, as the principle suggests, a greater supply leads to lower price (wages in this example).In Pakistan, one of the biggest de-incentivizing factors is that as there is not a unified system of education, the rate of return on education for the public schooling, the only form of education that is accessible and affordable to a vast majority of population, is really low. The total expenditure of government on education is appalling; it constitutes less than 2% of total budget.The following pictures would further delineate this issue by showing the contrast between infrastructure levels of government schools

government schools

private schools

Due to low investment in public education, the existence of ghost schools, the inability of government to revise the curriculum to meet the international standards, and the absence of checks and balances on teachers in public schools, the quality of public education is outmatched by that of private education. According to LEAPS survey, conducted in 2007, students in public schools will take 3 years to catch up with their age fellows in private schools.According to FAFEN report, the deal teacher-student ratio is 1: 20. However, in government schools of Punjab, the ratio is 1:37 while the ratio in private schools is 1:18. This highlights the level of communication between teachers and children that supplements the learning process. Private schools also engage students with extra-curricular activities and aim to buttress the communication skills and proficiency of English language that go a long way in ensuring success in the job market.
The following figures show the results from a survey conducted from 10 private and public schools of Lahore in order to decipher the participation of students in extra-curricular activities and hence their ability to communicate.Added to the low quality public education that is available and afforded by the vast majority, due to the dearth of employment opportunities, only the students graduated from the top few universities are able to grab the best employment opportunities, as employers prefer hiring students that have graduated from the private schools, due to aforementioned merits. This further fuels and exacerbates the problem of inequality, hence perpetuating and maintaining the vicious cycle.
Hence, if a well-focused strategy is undertaken by the government to ensure that good quality, primary education is available to the public, and simultaneously job opportunities are created to increase the demand so as to match the supply, the return on education will improve, thus incentivizing more people to pursue schooling.
author: Bakhtawar nageen

United Pakistan a better Pakistan

What more can a country demand from its people than be united and face all challenges together as one nation. The point of being one nation dates back to 1947 when Quad e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah took the initiative of dividing a line between the identities of the people living in the subcontinent at that time. Due to that decision we are now living in an independent country still having those issues which are detoriating the political situation of the country.

These issues have to do with the geographical differences between people. at the time of creation of Pakistan the issues were more on the religion bases but now the tables have turned. the issues now have become internal meaning geographical. people living in Lahore don't respect the values of the people living in Peshawar. There are a lot of cultural differences that need to be sorted out before its too late. Sindhis think of themselves as superior to Punjabis. These differences are always there no matter how much we ignore them. the only reason behind the resolvement of these issues is the betterment of the country. Pakistan has a lot to offer to this world. the products, that are made here are of high quality. Examples would be textile, tobacco, rice, sports goods etc. just because of these issues people are killing each other and a negative picture is being portrayed outside.

It is this criticism that has lead to a great number of killings of pathans in Karachi. if we just think for a second and stop differentiating between the people in our country we are bound to reach success and victory over anything would be inevitable. One nation, one country is simply making Pakistan better in an economic way. these days another point is being raised in the provincial and national assemblies of Pakistan about making the Bahawalpur district in Punjab a new province. This province would include all the Siraiki speaking districts of the older province Punjab. I think this is again creating a new barrier between the people of Pakistan. Pakistan does not need provinces it needs to make its people more stronger and united. Unity is very important in this matter. provinces make cultural differences and especially in the case of Pakistan where there are language barriers cultures are most likely to change. According to me, this new province is a waste of time and money. our political leaders should decide on the opportunity cost for this province which is likely to be a lot as Pakistan is in the stage of development and if appropriate amount of money is spent on the country it can achieve and set new standards of development. Pakistan needs a heavy investment in the production of basic resources which are electricity and gas. our political leaders should be bold enough to think on practical terms and actually benefit the people rather than dividing them into categories and just increasing the number of ministers. 

Author: Haseeb Alam Durrani