a tale of sixty five sad years, a story of dismay, disloyalty and disparity. So
many innocent lives were sacrificed to make the Islamic Republic State of become
independent and sovereign. But as the time went on, slowly and gradually, joys
of freedom became sorrows of slavery, dreams of prosperity became nightmares of
poverty and selfishness, greed and injustice took its place
four times the constitution has ripped apart by the notorious army dictators.
When democracy was given its turn the corrupt and incompetent politicians
looted the country’s wealth.
However the
hope is still not lost. Pakistan still has lots of potential to stand up again
and let the world know that we are to be considered a nation with pride, a
nation with honor and a nation with self esteem. We have the ability to become
of the great nations ever existed and it’s not some fairy tale I am talking
about its quite possible but we have to take considerable actions to do so.
our country the system which going on is a parliamentary system and it is an
obstacle towards the wellbeing of our country. It has given the right to the
wrong doers to take control and rule
the masses. We need uniformity in our
system through which we can treat every province and every state equally. The
decisions have to be the same all over the country and with so many different
political parties working at the same time for different interests it is not
The party would intend to bring equality and justice
to all, in the country. Resources will be equally divided. There would be no
class difference, everyone will have equal and rightful share in the state. As an Islamic state, Pakistan, the ruling governemt
will follow the guidance of Holy Phrophet (P.B.U.H) and the way
he ran the Islamic State.
- Hamzah Sohail
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