For the common man food is a mere
necessity, a survival tool. However, for me it’s a passion. From the collection
of cooking material up till serving the dish is a blissful journey. When I am
praised for my meticulous efforts in cooking and baking I ascend to cloud nine.
Seeing the faces of people beaming with the happiness because of my food makes me
jubilant and peculiarly peaceful.
My first encounter with cooking was
when I was twelve. I baked a cake from a ready-made cake mixture. There was a
strange glint in my eyes and glow on my face while I was baking. Much to my
disappointment I pulled out the cake too early. By too early I mean half of the
cake was dripping out in the cake dish. My mother was proud and amused at the
same time at my feeble and amateur attempt at cooking. Over the years I mastered
baking ready-made cakes and eventually cakes made from scratch.
What started as a mere attempt to
fill up my boring day, has lead me to start my own catering business. Over the
time I have tried to attain perfection in my cooking skills, by experimenting and
completing various cooking courses. Now I stand as a proud owner of my own home
based catering services. And let me assure you friends its feels good, to say ‘Hey
I OWN this’.

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