Me, in my opinion:
spent making mistakes is better than life spent doing nothing”- George Bernard
my childhood till this day, I have been regarded as the rebellious one in my
family, friends and associates. The reason is I have been labeled is that I ask
questions, facts and reasoning. I made my own beliefs about everything, either
religious perspective or political views. I never inherited any beliefs, but
concluded them myself. I'd rather sink trying to be different, than stay afloat
like everyone else. I try not to follow anyone; I try to make my own way.
I have a very strong belief in God. Without
the belief of Existence of God, I feel the world is incomplete. Belief in
Existence of One Devine Power brings balance to everything that exists. My
religion is my identity. I do not believe in any specific School of thought. I
follow Islam as a simple Muslim.
I am very independent, I am fully able to put my
intelligence to use and get things done for myself. It is possible however that
my narrow mindedness causes my creativity to suffer. I dwell too much on the
past and over complicate things and this limits my ability to move forward and
confuse myself.

On the political side, I believe in equality and justice. I
used to believe in capitalism but now I am more of a communist. I believe that
Islam-ization mixed with communism is the political solution for the crisis our
country is going through these days.
To the world, I present a calm and collected exterior but on
the inside, nervous uncontrolled intensity in the mind, trying to figure things
out, how to improve everything, analyzing and thinking. I can tire myself out
without even moving. I have a constant drive to improve and perfect, this can
lead to extreme fuss and criticism. I am pure, my motives are honest, never
malicious and I want to accomplish something.
and you are extremely annoying as well.